The Ribble Tidal Vanguard
what is the tidal range energy generation
Using 30 bulb turbines to harness the power of the estuary with a tidal range system to a total capacity of 300 MW to produce 600-700G.W.h of energy annually This is generated off the tidal barrage's basin size which is approxitmaty 24 miles 2.
The bulb turbines with a head of 8 m2 and a rotation speed of 93.75rpm will be used, with a max overspeed of 260 rpm with an operational gauge height of 3m to 11m. Using 4 blades which can serve inclinations of -5 to +35 degrees angle of attack, these units weigh a staggering 470 tons per unit. With built-in sleuth gates, these are ideal for both generation control and holding large volumes of water also with adjustable turbine blades for an optimal angle of attack for energy production.
These turbines have been successful within the modern application of tidal barrage technology. there would be a total of 30 bulb units for a capacity of 300 Mw. Within the tidal barrage, the operational working of these turbines can be varied to produce different levels of energy production as they can be controlled independently
An example of a power generation cycle along side the tide (source :Le Ranch tidal barrage.)
This system can run 15 generators while the other 15 remain unused or for use service checks and /or repairs. The system requires 3 transformers with 3.5/3.5/225KV 80MVA with oil-cooled cables for the 225KVA power output and all station connections this would give an installed capacity of 120Mw a standard example generation pattern can be seen within fig 110. The bulb generators can also run in different modes the most useful of these is reverse forced mode, this mode can also force water out of the estuary if the levels supplied by the channels and rivers attached get high due to flood water or storms, being able to keep control of the gauge height of the estuary and basin in which the vast volumes of water are contained the turbine itself sits within a machine room which is also where the power cable and electronic controls enter the turbine assembly, Above these units normally on ground level is also the control room to monitor the estuary power output and also water volume flow through the turbine From here the power can be sent to the transformer room or site for further transmission to the national grid.
Further Energy Generation.
400W vertical wind turbines will be placed in the central reservation of the 2 way traffic on a central isle of the roads, not only will these turbines turn with the traffic but also the wind from the coastal winds, these will be fitted over the distance of the tidal barrage totalling a whopping 140,000 units with a total of 56Mw capacity.
Local Community energy groups will be able to tender for half of this capacity and be limited to a total of 27 Mw ownership of these systems the installation and profit from these .
This is one of our many ways of giving back to the communities.
The rest of the energy generated will go towards the running of the tidal barrage and its systems making it up to 100 percent self reliant and not having to take power out of the grid.